Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Religions of the World: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity - YouTube

I hope and pray that everyone is well. I wanted to share the link to this video I found on YouTube which is titled: Religions of the World: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity. Religions of the World is a series that is narrated by Ben Kingsley. This particular episode is about the history of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity or, in reality, most of the history of the Christian Church. The program discuses and interviews experts with relevance to the history, the practices, and the theology of these, the two major denominations of Christianity. The executive producer of the program is Luis Florencio Tapia. I personally enjoyed this episode, and thought that it was very informative on matters of ecumenism between these two denominations or as some call them, the Eastern and Western Churches. The link to the video is below, and  I hope you enjoy watching and listening to it very much. Blessings!

Religions of the World: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity - YouTube

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