Merry Christmas to all! Blessings!
This blog seeks to promote and establish ecumenism among all groups and denominations of the Christian Faith via expressions in written language, and through any means of communication. We seek the promotion of others that are working towards the same common goal, as well. The prayer of Jesus in John 17: 21 was: "I pray that they may all be one…." Ultimately and eternally, the creation of unity among all believers and followers of Christ is sought desiring harmony with and for all of humanity.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
On Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah to all. Yes, tonight is the first night of eight. I am a unity kind of guy. Hence, the name of this blog. I believe everyone can celebrate Hanukkah. I think Jesus, who was a Jew, was also a unity and inclusive guy. After all, Jesus did say: "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people[a] to myself (John 12:32).” Of course, this idea has sometimes been taken out of context. The story of Hanukkah can be found in the deuterocanonical books (which some Protestant denominations refer to as the Apocrypha) of First and Second Maccabees. But, enough about my views. In this post I am sharing an article on by Rabbi Ken Spiro. The article is titled: What Hanukkah Is Really About. I hope you enjoy reading. Click on the following link.