Saturday, November 9, 2019

Two Seemingly Simple Quotes

Love your neighbor, as yourself.
- Jesus

Won't you be my neighbor?
- Fred Rogers

Jesus said, quoting Scriptures, to “love God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.” That’s the first quote in the post followed by “Won't you be my neighbor?” The latter was a question Fred Rogers sang in the opening theme song to his old children’s TV program. Fred passed away back in 2003, but I am pretty sure he knew the Jesus quote quite well, trust me on that one. I don’t know if we understand Jesus these days, although many of us can quote him easily. I mean sometimes our actions don’t seem to reflect an interpretation of Jesus’ words. Of course, we all usually get away with our wrongful actions by using the excuse that nobody is perfect, and yes that is true.

I don’t want to make this post long and complicated. But, in a world where many of us probably find it difficult to love our neighbor for many justifiable reasons perhaps, it seems like a breath of fresh air to hear someone sing an invitation to anyone out there to become their neighbor. Fred would sing that to anyone who would listen. Of course, if we all said this to everyone knowing that Jesus wanted us to love our neighbor, it really takes the application of the saying a step above, or as they say now days “above and beyond.” Blessings, and won’t you be my neighbor?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

WCC Article on Next Generation Ecumenists

"For the commission’s moderator, Rev. Dr Rudolf von Sinner, one of the highlights of the 2019 meeting will be the challenge of how ecumenical education answers the real questions asked today.  “To do ecumenical theological education is to equip, to nurture, to empower, sometimes to restrict, to ensure that we do our very best avoiding abuses and fostering good use (WCC)."

The previous excerpt is from an article on the WCC's website. Without a doubt ecumenical theological education is of utmost importance, and needs to be addressed. Read the full article at the link below.