Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Matthew 23 extract

They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others, but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.They do all their deeds to be seen by others....


Matthew 23: 4 and 5, NRSVUE 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Psalm 14 excerpt

The LORD looked forth from heaven upon the children of men,

To see if there were any man of understanding, that did seek after God.

They are all corrupt, they are together become impure;

There is none that doeth good, no, not one.


Psalm 14: 2-3, JPS Tanakh 1917

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Jesus clarity

I hope everyone is doing well. This post will be brief. It is based on some things I have been dwelling on recently. Mainly, some things Jesus is credited to saying in Scriptures that may seem contradictory. I don’t claim to understand what he meant fully, but I also do not think he did not make any sense. I am not going to provide entire verses; however, I will give the citation to allow all to verify. Anyhow, here we go.

Possibly Jesus said, “if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also” He also said, “walk a second mile if someone asks you to walk one.” Hence: he never said to walk three miles. See Matthew 5:39.

Supposedly, Jesus said “one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one.” Basically, one needs to have a sword and can’t afford to be without one. Obviously, he didn't seem to believe in not defending oneself. Consequently, this seems to contrast the cheek turning thing a bit, if things escalated perhaps. See Luke 22:36.

Lastly, Jesus said, “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I think this one is self-explanatory…don’t be fools, but also don’t be an arrogant a**hole. See Matthew 10:16.

In closing, I think all-around, Jesus was more about having balance. If we focus on one area of his teachings but neglect another, we get out of balance. Therefore, we should focus on all instead of one thing. Blessings!



Matthew 5:39

Luke 22: 36

Matthew 10:16



Saturday, June 29, 2024

Land exchange for ecumenism

In a unique sign of ecumenicism, a Catholic abbey and a Baptist university are exchanging property so the abbey can receive historically significant land that once was home to the abbey’s university.


I try to share some of the latest ecumenism news on this blog as often as possible, especially when it is something that catches my attention. The introductory excerpt is from an article for CNA by Kate Quiñones titled: Catholic abbey and Baptist university exchange land ‘to build up the kingdom.’  I enjoyed reading the article and hearing about the property exchange. Read the full article at the link below. I hope you enjoy it as much as I.

Catholic abbey and Baptist university exchange land ‘to build up the kingdom’ | Catholic News Agency

Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Video of Daniel G. Hummel discussing one his books

The video being shared is described on YouTube as follows:

IRD President Mark Tooley chats with author Daniel G. Hummel on his book The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism: How the Evangelical Battle Over the End Times Shaped a Nation. Hummel offers a fascinating history of dispensationalism and its influence on popular culture, politics, and religion.

Watch below:

Daniel G. Hummel and The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism - YouTube


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Christos Anesti

Christos Anesti (Χριστὸς ἀνέστη) 

Christ is Risen!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Can ecumenism be a heretical thing?

Normally when I share an article on here, I usually include an excerpt from it to give a basic idea of what the author said. I personally enjoy getting a glimpse of the subject when other writers do similarly. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen in this post. However, I really believe the author answers the question I ask in the title which is can ecumenism be a heretical thing?

In this post I am sharing an article by Paul Ladouceur from 2016 titled: On Ecumenoclasm: Who Is a Heretic? I hope you enjoy reading it. The article is found at the link below.

On Ecumenoclasm: Who Is a Heretic? - Public Orthodoxy

Saturday, March 23, 2024

On government definitions

In this post I am sharing an article by Peter Kenney from a couple of weeks ago published in ECUMENICAL NEWS, which is titled: New UK extremism definition could drive communities apart, Anglican archbishops warn.

 The article in reference ends by stating the following:

According to the CIA Factbook Christians make up 59.5 percent of Britain's 68 million population, while Muslim account for 4.4 percent, and Hindus 1.3 percent.

I find the usage of facts with relevance to demographics at the end rather interesting. I have yet to read the new definition of extremism by the UK government as I share this, but plan on doing so. I recommend reading this article and the definition, as well. Read the full article at the link below.

New UK extremism definition could drive communities apart, Anglican archbishops warn

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Which Country Has More Justice?

Alexei Navalny's cause of death has not yet been determined. As of today, that is…. Perhaps, we will know soon.

Epstein's death was supposedly a suicide. Although, guards were asleep. And cameras malfunctioned….

Ashli Babbitt was shot by the United States inside the capitol building on January 6th. Supposedly she was a threat. However, she had a long honorable military career. I have read different versions of the incident, but they seem to be contrary to actual video footage that has been released.

Five members of Congress were injured, one seriously in 1954 during the shooting at the United States Capitol. Please read the following excerpt.

Those on the House floor quickly moved into action. Congressional pages carried the wounded to safety. As the shooters attempted to escape, three of them were overpowered by visitors, police, House staff, and Congressman James Van Zandt of Pennsylvania, who personally apprehended Rafael Miranda. The fourth shooter, Irvin Flores, escaped, but was captured later that day. The four gunmen were tried and sentenced to more than 49 years in federal prison (


Back to Alexei Navalny, his cause of death hasn't yet been determined, as I said originally. However, Russia is a sovereign nation just like the United States. I do know that Alexei was serving a 19-year prison sentence. I hear a lot of criticism and speculation that Putin had him killed. Regardless of this being true or not, who are we to point fingers? The United States seemingly killed an innocent Ashli Babbitt and locked up many who were innocent of crimes on January 6th, 2020. Was an insurrection really taking place on January 6th? Was one taking place in the 1954 capitol shooting?

Jesus supposedly said the following:

3 Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye but do not notice the log in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5, NRSVUE).



Matthew 7:3-5, NRSVUE, Bible

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Why ecumenism might not be so popular.

I have two other blogs, in addition to this one. What I have noticed over the years from reading the statistics on my blogs is that ecumenism doesn’t seem to be popular. If true, one should ask why? I recently wrote a piece elsewhere about community, and I wonder if many people feel like I do. The following paragraph is extracted from it.

Any argument stating that we have a collective need for community doesn't convince me at all. Perhaps, having a desire for it, but that's a whole different thing. Personally, I don't have a need, nor a desire. The masses and communities very often seem to get things wrong and go in a bad direction. The problem with that is that a substantial amount of time often goes by before awareness of the mistake begins to take place. And when I say time, I mean many years can go by. My advice to most is learn to think and decide independently. Learning to think and analyze is vital.

Jesus said, "Love your neighbor, as yourself." The collective is important, but in equivalence to the individual. Meaning, perhaps we should know the independent self well before attempting the collective community thing. Blessings and I hope you enjoyed reading this brief thought.