film depicting a woman – Petrunya – who breaks church and social traditions by
grabbing a cross thrown by an Orthodox priest into an icy river in an Epiphany
ritual meant for young men has been awarded the prize of the Ecumenical Jury at
the 69th Berlinale film festival in the German capital (oikoumene.org)."
The above excerpt is from an article on the World Council of
Churches website. I am not writing much about it, I prefer that you read about
it yourself. The article read that Anna Grebe described the film as a
“modern day parable for its daring portrayal of the transformation of a
disempowered young woman into an outspoken defender of women’s rights.” Read
the full article on the link below.
Ecumenical Jury awards Berlin film prize for portrayal of struggle with religious tradition — World Council of Churches