Sunday, November 26, 2023

Some ecumenism news for November

I hope all who are reading this find themselves well. I try to post here at least once a month. I have two other blogs in which I share about other topics, but this one is mainly dedicated to ecumenism. I read the statistics, and based on the ones for this blog it appears that ecumenism is not a popular subject, not surprisingly. In this post I am sharing a recent article by Heather Hahn for UM News. The following excerpt is from this said article.

As of Nov. 16, more than 6,900 U.S. congregations have received the necessary approvals to disaffiliate under a church law that allows congregations to leave with property if they meet certain financial and procedural obligations. That represents nearly 23% of The United Methodist Church’s U.S. congregations departing since the provision took effect in 2019.

Blessings! Read the full article at the link below.

Church faces shake-up in ecumenical relations 

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