Saturday, February 18, 2023

By the way, Rutler was cleared!

We constantly hear about priests being accused of many things, but we don't seem to have much media coverage when we find out the accusations were false. I say this with relevance to Fr. George Rutler, one of my favorite priests. The news came out almost two years ago, and still it's not well known. Hence, my comment about media.

Sadly, in this case the accuser went as far as using a stunt double to make a fake video. Shameful! What happens often is that when people are tarnished by a media report (practically slandered), unless media reports again to restore things, that person's image is usually permanently ruined. Enough said! Read more about it at the following link.

Finally! Lifesite News Reports Fr. George Rutler cleared of all False Accusations by NY District Attorney | Catholic Business Journal

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