Friday, February 13, 2015

Pope Francis and Overcoming Proselytism

I wanted to share a post about some things Pope Francis said recently that are very relevant to the mission of this blog. Although the article I am sharing came out more than two weeks ago, it is of utmost importance for ecumenism amongst all Christians. Seemingly, the new approach of the Roman Church, as per its leader, enables and facilitates unity; however, lately it appears that the ball is more on the side of the leaders of other denominations to respond. Based on the traditional attitude of the Roman Church, the typical reaction from other is understandable. After all, Pope Francis has never said that they would join the World Council of Churches as many others, including the Orthodox, have done so. But, his Holiness’ words do appear to be optimistic. This post is very brief, as is the article I am sharing. The recent words from Pope Francis were the following:

"…our shared commitment to proclaiming the Gospel enables us to overcome proselytism and competition in all their forms…those who are different from ourselves can make us grow…"

If you wish to read more, please see the link below. Thank you for reading and many blessings to all!

Pope Francis Calls On Christian Leaders 'To Overcome Proselytism And Competition'


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