Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pope Francis’ Trip in May and Ecumenism

As I have mentioned in the past, I want this blog to be about promoting ecumenism and that includes informing about what is going on in the major denominations of the Faith with relevance to this subject. Well, Pope Francis will be doing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in May which will be focusing or centering on a meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the Eastern Orthodox archbishop of Constantinople. Why am I writing to inform you about this trip, because they will be discussing ecumenism? You can read more about the encounter in an article by Andrea Gagliarducci published by CAN and EWTN News on January 8th, 2014. The article is titled: Pope Francis’ Holy Land Visit to Focus on Ecumenism With Orthodox. Things seem to be looking bright on the ecumenism front. The link to Andreas’ article is below. I hope you enjoy reading. Blessings!

Pope Francis’ Holy Land Visit to Focus on Ecumenism With Orthodox | Daily News |


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