Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pray for Syria

Malula in Syria is probably one of the last places on Earth that Aramaic, the language of Jesus, is still spoken.The following recent news is very disturbing: "A militant with rebel group Jabhat al Nusra, an al Qaeda affiliate, blew himself up in a car bomb attack near a checkpoint of the Syrian army at the entrance of the Christian town of Malula ("

The New York Times published an article by Robert F. Worth on April 22, 2008 titled: In Syrian Villages, the Language of Jesus Lives. This article is very informative with relevance to Malula. In the article Worth said: "Once a large population stretching across Syria, Turkey and Iraq, Aramaic-speaking Christians have slowly melted away, some fleeing westward, some converting to Islam ("

All I have to say to my readers is to please pray for Syria and all of its residents, so that they can soon have peace. Thank you and blessings to all!


Syria: NGO,al Qaeda militants attack Christian loyalist town - General news -

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