This blog seeks to promote and establish ecumenism among all groups and denominations of the Christian Faith via expressions in written language, and through any means of communication. We seek the promotion of others that are working towards the same common goal, as well. The prayer of Jesus in John 17: 21 was: "I pray that they may all be one…." Ultimately and eternally, the creation of unity among all believers and followers of Christ is sought desiring harmony with and for all of humanity.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Thoughts on My Previous Post
I suppose that my previous post is an oversimplification of Church history and how we got to where we are at this point in time, but it is my opinion that the Reformation did not create unity, but instead laid a foundation for the same scenario to repeat itself over and over again. What I mean by same scenario repeating itself is that based on perhaps the idea of “sola scriptura,” it seems that anytime someone comes up with a new interpretation of what they perceive the Scriptures mean in some out of context view which they decided it grants them the excuse of separating from their group or denomination to start a new one based on their new doctrine. And, this new doctrine when compared to the beliefs of the Early Church Fathers, who were closer to our roots, does not even line up. A good example of what I am trying to say is “Dispensationalist” theology. Moreover, based on this theology many have interpreted ideas like the “Millennium Era” from prophetic Scriptures to mean whatever they decided it means. Therefore, many people like Hal Lindsey, and such have sold millions of books like The Late, Great Planet Earth which many have taken to be literal in meaning when these ideas only go back into less than 200 years of Church history, and are mostly ideas of Darby and Scofield which may be partially true, but not complete truths since the only one that knows the future fully is God. My point is that based on things we cannot even prove, we have created disunity and everyone knows that divided we fall and united we stand. Now, I wouldn't get too worried folks because “unity is not uniformity,” to borrow a line from Ken Howard's book, Paradoxy: Creating Christian Community Between Us and Them. I actually recommend this book to everyone, especially all Christian leaders. I am not going to give a book review on it at this time, and besides any good and great thing I can say about it would probably not give this fascinating literary work the credit it deserves in achieving its purpose, and this itself is an understatement. At any rate, if you seem to think and feel that what I am saying agrees with your thought process lets join forces and start working on the unity of all Christians together for the good of all of humanity, living things, and our planet.
Please don't misunderstand me, the Reformation was a much needed wake up call to the corruption that was taking place in the Western Church during Luther's time. However, the long term results of the reform are what I question, and I also doubt that the reformist themselves perceived the outcome we see today.