Saturday, January 27, 2024

Why ecumenism might not be so popular.

I have two other blogs, in addition to this one. What I have noticed over the years from reading the statistics on my blogs is that ecumenism doesn’t seem to be popular. If true, one should ask why? I recently wrote a piece elsewhere about community, and I wonder if many people feel like I do. The following paragraph is extracted from it.

Any argument stating that we have a collective need for community doesn't convince me at all. Perhaps, having a desire for it, but that's a whole different thing. Personally, I don't have a need, nor a desire. The masses and communities very often seem to get things wrong and go in a bad direction. The problem with that is that a substantial amount of time often goes by before awareness of the mistake begins to take place. And when I say time, I mean many years can go by. My advice to most is learn to think and decide independently. Learning to think and analyze is vital.

Jesus said, "Love your neighbor, as yourself." The collective is important, but in equivalence to the individual. Meaning, perhaps we should know the independent self well before attempting the collective community thing. Blessings and I hope you enjoyed reading this brief thought.

Saturday, January 6, 2024