Friday, May 15, 2020

Ecumenism Sometimes Needs Clarifying, Perhaps

I hope everyone is doing well during this Covid-19 pandemic. Life often gives us many obstacles, both collectively and individually. Ecumenism, for instance, often has hurdles and obstacles. The human factor is perhaps one of the bigger hurdles. This post is simply sharing an article from March 2020 by Denis Fortin titled: Understanding Ecumenism and What Really Happened in Bologna. Basically, it is seemingly a clarification of an ecumenism incident that happened in Bologna, Italy. I am abstaining from giving details and opinions. Below is an excerpt from the article:

In the last couple of weeks a story has been spread on social media about an Italian pastor in the city of Bologna in northern Italy, Giovanni Caccamo, who signed an ecumenical charter as a representative of the Seventh-day Adventist church. He also preached a short sermon on that occasion to a church full of people of many faiths.

Most of the media comments were about how inappropriate his action was, and even how contrary to Adventism. The Inter-European Division and the Union Conference of Adventist churches in Italy issued statements publicly disapproving of his participation, and reaffirming the Adventist position that we cannot belong to ecumenical organizations (

Read the full article and get all the details at the link below:

Understanding Ecumenism and What Really Happened in Bologna | GleanerNow
