Monday, September 3, 2018

Is The Museum of the Bible Exploiting Jewish Tradition?

'"According to traditional Jewish law, decommissioned Torah scrolls are to be either buried in a Jewish cemetery or stored in perpetuity in a genizah, a dedicated synagogue space for out-of-use ritual objects. Damaged scrolls can also be restored and rededicated for ritual use, while those that survived the Nazi era are permitted to be displayed in exhibits dedicated to documenting the Holocaust, as they are, for example, at the Holocaust Museum a few blocks away...

...These scrolls, the heritage of European Judaism, now sit in a display case at the museum or in storage, in the possession of one of the world’s most prominent evangelical families. Carroll noted that this situation may result in an unfortunate impression: “The Greens in some way have built... a Christian museum on the backs of Jewish items (”'

The foregoing are excerpts from an article by Candida Moss and Joel Baden for the Daily Beast. I will be sharing the article on here. Basically, I am hoping people will understand the idea the article is conveying, as well as the reality of what the museum has done, thus far with relevance to the collection of Torahs. Moreover, the article states the following: “According to Jeffrey Kloha, director of museum collections, of the 2,559 items owned by the museum, some 1,835 are Torahs—scrolls.” I suppose that I just want to share and let everyone decide what it is you personally think. I am sure that one can contact the museum to verify all the details. Read the full article below. 

The Museum of the Bible Is Exploiting Jewish Tradition—And Saving Its Evangelical Christian Donors Millions
