'"In his various speeches, Brother Alois, prior of the Taizé Community, introduced four proposals for 2018 which are based on various experiences from recent visits to Sudan, South Sudan and Egypt. They are focused around “inexhaustible joy”.
Speaking about unity among Christians, he said: “As Christians of different churches, we should have the audacity to turn together towards Christ and, without waiting for our theologies to be completely in tune, to ‘put ourselves under the same roof’… to enter into this process, we can begin by thanking God for the gifts of others (www.oikoumene.org/).”'
The foregoing excerpt is from a World Council of Churches article about the recent gathering in Basel, Switzerland, for the 40th annual Taizé European Meeting of Young Adults. I wanted to share this excerpt mainly to include the quote by Brother Alois. Mainly, because Brother Alois couldn't be further from the truth on this matter. Read the full article at the link below. Blessings!