"That’s ecumenism that takes seriously that the gospel makes us one family, but also takes doctrine seriously enough that we know that we can’t just pretend differences don’t exist (www.christianitytoday.com)."
The foregoing comment is by Ed Stetzer from an article for Christianity Today titled: I'm an Evangelical Ecumenist? What Does That Even Mean? Working with other believers on common issues. Believe it or not, Mr. Stetzer considers himself to be, in his own words, an "Evangelical ecumenist." Read the full article at the link below to understand his reasoning.
The foregoing comment is by Ed Stetzer from an article for Christianity Today titled: I'm an Evangelical Ecumenist? What Does That Even Mean? Working with other believers on common issues. Believe it or not, Mr. Stetzer considers himself to be, in his own words, an "Evangelical ecumenist." Read the full article at the link below to understand his reasoning.