Sunday, December 18, 2016

One Week after the Bombing

Today it has been one week since a 22 year old suicide bomber took the lives of 25 and wounded 49 Coptic Christians during mass at the church next to St Mark's Cathedral. St Mark's is the seat of Egypt's Orthodox Christian church in Cairo. Supposedly, the Muslim Brotherhood is being blamed for the attack according to authorities. This type of attack is very sad, and we all should be praying for our brothers and sisters in Egypt, and for the families of those who were killed. If you don’t know what a Coptic Christian is, I suggest you get informed because they are one of the oldest Christian communities on our planet founded in the year 42 by Saint Mark. This previous fact should tell you their history in the church goes back to the very beginning. Blessings and get involved praying or doing something!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

WCC on Aid for Minorities in Syria and Iraq

I am sharing this article from the WCC that deals with the need for adjusting aid better to fit the needs of minorities in northern Iraq and Syria. One relevant factor is that not all minorities handle conflict in the same way. The following is an excerpt from the article.

"In a new research report prepared by NCA and the World Council of Churches, it is emphasised that all relief work provided must take into account the diversity that exists among refugees. The minorities must be understood and respected if we are to arrive at effective solutions ("

Follow the link below to read the full article.

In Syria and Iraq, minorities must come out of the darkness — World Council of Churches
