Monday, October 31, 2016

Reformation Day

"Pope Francis has taken part in events to commemorate the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation during his trip to Sweden.

The Pope appealed to Catholics and Lutherans to "mend" history and look with honesty at the past, "recognising error and seeking forgiveness"(BBC)."


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Eight Faiths Under One Roof

"The Haus der Religionen (House of Religions) in Bern houses a Christian church, Hindu temple, Buddhist centre, Alevi cemevi and soon, a mosque.

The five private religious spaces open into a shared “dialogue room” where members of different faiths eat, meet and hold events for the community ("

The foregoing is an excerpt from an article by Lizzie Dearden that was written for the Independent which is titled: 'House of Religions' bringing eight faiths together under one roof in Bern There are separate churches, mosques and temples for five faiths. The article is from 2015, and I have not seen a follow up, so I hope the idea is working out. Either way, this is definitely a brilliant idea. If something is about bringing people together, you can always count me in. Read more about it at the link below.

'House of Religions' bringing eight faiths together under one roof in Bern | The Independent
