Saturday, June 21, 2014

American Religious Town Hall

 It reads in what may be the mission statement of Unifying the Faith: "This blog seeks to promote and establish ecumenism among all groups and denominations of the Christian Faith via expressions in written language, and through any means of communication. We seek the promotion of others that are working towards the same common goal, as well." Well, here is another organization that is working for an ecumenical cause just as Unifying the Faith. It is American Religious Town Hall Meeting. American Religious Town Hall Meeting is a non-profit organization dedicated to the following, as it reads on their website:

"- The preservation of basic American civil and religious liberties including freedom of speech and freedom to worship God as one chooses.

- Fostering a spirit of unity among all religions and encouraging interfaith understanding in an atmosphere of cooperation without compromise.

- Educating the American public regarding varying viewpoints through weekly worldwide television broadcast ("

If you wish to learn more about this organization, please visit their link below. Blessings!

American Religious Town Hall